Legal Service Aggregator

Notary Services in Gurgaon


CONTACTS - 8930633393, 9718635050

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E-stamp Papers

Company Registrations

Welcome to Legaldakia

"Running away from any problem only increases the distance from the solution. The easiest way to escape from the problem is to solve it."

Legaldakia provides exemplary customer service, build customer loyalty and offer the best services just at the click of your fingertip. It has always been a challenge for everyone to balance the day-to-day operations and spending time running in courts to get hold of legal documents. Too often people get stuck up in the time taking legal procedures. People find it challenging to get documentation done due to various reasons hence they rely on landlords or brokers, who in turn charge them unduly for the same. Keeping this in mind, we at Legaldakia help you in preparing the agreement, affidavits, e-stamp papers and all such legal papers online for which you have to usually spend your valuable time and money. We provide assistance ranging from legal advice and counseling, to representation in court through litigation. We also endow with free legal assistance to the poor and the marginalized e.g. women, children, persons with disabilities, the poor.

"Don’t wait and procrastinate. Let the Legaldakia handle the situation before the situation handles you."

Legaldakia launched notary services in Gurgaon - a one stop shop, aiming to provide hassle free services for all types of agreements, affidavits, registration and licensing and more. We aim to provide all legal services at your door step by saving your time and money with transparent services. Fill in your details and find the legaldakia at your doorstep to deliver the solutions.

3 Easy Steps to Rental Agreement

1. Browse your service .

2. Pay through Card Or Online Banking .

3. Receive at your doorstep .

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